Monday, May 17, 2010

Get Organized from the Inside Out: Day 6 Organizing Your Space

Intention:  Organizing your space
If you are still reading and following this 21 day course, CONGRATULATIONS!  You are actually practicing organization by staying with this.
Today, I just want to check in to see how you are doing with your focused-actions.  And, thought you may appreciate some tips to help you de-clutter your space (home or office).
These tips are written for a physical space but can be reframed and applied to de-cluttering your inner space.
Top 10 Questions-to-Self When Organizing Your Space
  1. Do you have items in your house that just take up space?
  2. Do I need this?
  3. Will I need this in a year?
  4. Have I used this in the last year?
  5. Do I really love it?
  6. Am I attached to this item (or thoughts about it)?
  7. Is there someone else who could use this more?
  8. Do I have more than I could reasonably use in foreseeable future?
  9. Will I miss this if I don't have it?
  10. Do I have a space to put it if I keep it?

I AM living in abundance and unattached to thoughts and things.

Happy de-cluttering!

Karen McMillan, ACC
The Conscious Leadership and Retreat Coach

If you have just joined us and would like to catch up on the beginning and meaning of this challenge....CLICK HERE

P.S. If you are enjoying this e-course and want a bit of extra support to enhance your learning,  help you get clear, motivated and keep on track, then do not hesitate to email me to schedule your 30-minute coaching conversation.  It is included at no additional cost with this e-course.  Just include "Get Organized" in the subject line.

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