Thursday, May 20, 2010

Get Organized from the Inside Out: Community-Asking and Receiving

Intention:  Community - Asking and Receiving

Today I want to suggest that you look to or create a community to join in your organizing efforts.  This is the group of people to help you get organized, stay organized and/or celebrate when you have achieved your goal.
These can be family members, friends, neighbors or hired help.  The more important point here is to realize that you don't have to do it all yourself.  And, that it's sometimes more fun to share the energy and celebrate with others.
As important as asking is the ability and willingness to receive help - when you ask or when offered.  This may also help you practice receiving gifts from the universe.
Conscious Questions-to-Self
  • Do I need help to achieve my organizing goal?
  • Do I need support with physical tasks or energy renewal?
  • Am I ready to receive help when offered?
  • Will I get this task done without help?
  • How and who will I celebrate with once I've gotten organized?
Tips on focused action:
  • Identify the one place where help will mean more ease, more joy or more time for other activities.
  • Set a time limit for how long you will forge ahead before asking for help
  • Ask for help with a task or simply ideas on how to proceed with your task
I ask for support to help me get and stay organized

Karen McMillan, ACC
 I am honored to be your success partner

The Conscious Leadership and Retreat Coach  

If you have just joined us and would like to catch up on the beginning and meaning of this challenge....CLICK HERE  

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Get Organized from the Inside Out: Day 8 Creating Your ETA

Intention:  Creating Your ETA
How is it going for you?  Have you achieved your original organizational goal?  Did you move on to another?
Either way, I want to share another valuable tip. 
We already communicated about writing down your goals.  But, did we talk about where and how to write them down?  
The how part involves setting some time limits.  We already know about the daily, consistent 15-minute organizing moments.  But, did you plan an ETA, i.e., your estimated time of arrival at that powerful place of organization?  Be it inner or outer organization, it helps to see a place in time when you have arrived.
To help keep it motivational, think of it as the time you get to celebrate. 
Conscious Questions-to-Self
  • What's the most energizing time of day for me to focus my organizing actions?
  • How many days of focused action will it take me to accomplish my goal?
  • When will I check-in to see how I'm doing with my timeline?
  • Have I planned a half-way celebration?
Tips on focused action:
  • Pick a date that gives you some wiggle room - it's more joyful to arrive early than late
  • Set a time limit for how long you will forge ahead before asking for help
  • Place these dates in your calendar WITH REMINDERS - start, check-in, half-way, and celebration dates
I will arrive at my destiny-ation with joy and energy.
 I am honored to be your success partner,

Karen McMillan, ACC
The Conscious Leadership and Retreat Coach  

If you have just joined us and would like to catch up on the beginning and meaning of this challenge....CLICK HERE 

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Get Organized from the Inside Out: Day 7 Rest and Renewal

Intention:  Rest and Renewal
And on the 7th day it is time to rest.  Especially if you have been at this consistently for the last week.  CONGRATULATIONS, Savvy's!  You are doing well.
Today is a day to look back at what you have achieved.  No matter how big or small.  And, to take a break to focus on your self-care. 
Time to focus on the energy renewal needed to stay with your organizational tasks.   Energy renewal also helps to fuel a positive attitude.
Conscious Questions-to-Self
  • Am I staying connected with breath as I work on my organizing task?
  • Am I slowing down and working with energy versus adrenaline?
  • Am I remembering to take 10-15 minutes each day to renew energy?

I plan self-care/self-love/renewal time into every day, week, month, year.

Enjoy your day, or moment, of renewal!

Karen McMillan, ACC
The Conscious Leadership and Retreat Coach  

If you have just joined us and would like to catch up on the beginning and meaning of this challenge....CLICK HERE

Monday, May 17, 2010

Get Organized from the Inside Out: Day 6 Organizing Your Space

Intention:  Organizing your space
If you are still reading and following this 21 day course, CONGRATULATIONS!  You are actually practicing organization by staying with this.
Today, I just want to check in to see how you are doing with your focused-actions.  And, thought you may appreciate some tips to help you de-clutter your space (home or office).
These tips are written for a physical space but can be reframed and applied to de-cluttering your inner space.
Top 10 Questions-to-Self When Organizing Your Space
  1. Do you have items in your house that just take up space?
  2. Do I need this?
  3. Will I need this in a year?
  4. Have I used this in the last year?
  5. Do I really love it?
  6. Am I attached to this item (or thoughts about it)?
  7. Is there someone else who could use this more?
  8. Do I have more than I could reasonably use in foreseeable future?
  9. Will I miss this if I don't have it?
  10. Do I have a space to put it if I keep it?

I AM living in abundance and unattached to thoughts and things.

Happy de-cluttering!

Karen McMillan, ACC
The Conscious Leadership and Retreat Coach

If you have just joined us and would like to catch up on the beginning and meaning of this challenge....CLICK HERE

P.S. If you are enjoying this e-course and want a bit of extra support to enhance your learning,  help you get clear, motivated and keep on track, then do not hesitate to email me to schedule your 30-minute coaching conversation.  It is included at no additional cost with this e-course.  Just include "Get Organized" in the subject line.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Get Organized from the Inside Out: Day 5 Focused Action

Intention: Focused Action

How is it going for you and your organization?  Are you really feeling the benefits and inspired to take action?
Most of what we covered in the first four days was about your mindset.  Creating the space and energy for you to be organized from the inside out.  It focused on the Being of organized.

Today, I want to talk more about the doing.  About complementing all the clarity and energy you have created and putting it into focused action.  Think of this as your clarity and choice put into action.

When we speak of focused, we refer to actions that are aligned with your original intention.  We are also referring to the frequency.

Sustainable, long-term success is best achieved by regular, daily practice.  Deciding what action to take and then actually taking it each and every day is key to being organized.

For example, if one wants to de-clutter a space it helps to deal with it for at least 15 minutes each day.  And, if one wants a clear mind, a daily practice of mindful activity or meditation is truly beneficial.

The key here is to be and stay focused.  To set boundaries and not allow distractions to pull you away from your intention and activities.

Conscious Questions-to-Self
• Is the action I am taking aligned with my intention?• Have I created an environment that allows me to focus on my activities?• Have I clearly set and communicated boundaries that allow me to stay focused?
Tips on focused action:• Focus your activity in 15-20 minute daily activities - from de-cluttering to meditation• Write it/them down - to help you remember and to keep you on track• Keep the activity list focused and achievable - so overwhelm does not set in and distract you• Communicate your boundaries to all involved, or in your space, when you are engaging in focused-action• Create an environment (maybe add music) to make the space your in more attractive - then you are less likely to be distracted Affirmation: I choose to invest my time versus spend or waste it.

Dedicated to your peace and prosperity,

If you have just joined us and would like to catch up on the beginning and meaning of this challenge....CLICK HERE

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Get Organized from the Inside Out: Day 4 Choice and Decisions

Intention: Choice and Decisions

Now that you have visualized your life, and felt the joy of your life when organized it is time to make some decisions about your next steps.
Professional organizers tell us that much of the clutter in our lives is a result of poor or absent decisions in any given moment.  It is when we fail to make a decision about what to do about or with something that clutter begins to build.  This is why we look at the
power of choice as a key element of being and staying organized.

The presence of a clear intention helps to guide us in each moment we are faced with a decision.  At that moment, we get to choose to check in with our intention and see if the decision we are about to make is aligned with our intention.

For example, if your intention is to keep a clear email in box, the decision to delete or save an incoming email or subscribe to another list will be determined by it's alignment with your original intention.

Mostly, this is about choosing to make a decision that is
aligned with  your values and works for the long-term.  Short-term decisions have their place, but do not truly serve a long-term plan for organizing.  And, often lead to procrastination, e.g., choosing to play when there is work to be done.  It may feel good at the moment, but add to stress as the work or thoughts pile up.

So, this is also about choosing to let go of procrastination, and make a decision to "get it done." (what ever "it" is)

And, once you get organized, it's is about the decision you make around
boundaries to stay organized.   For example, the thoughts, people, and things you will or will not let back into your personal and physical space.

Choice is also key when creating a priority list.  Be clear that the steps you take will serve you and your energy.

So, whether there are choices to be made about items in a pile, or thoughts to clear your mind, it's about deciding to make the change and committing to that change.

Conscious Questions-to-Self
• Is the decision I am about to make aligned with my intention?• Does it feel "right"? (relaxed not tense)• Is the decision I am making serving me and my long-term goal?• Is the decision I am about to make giving me energy?• Will the decision have a short or long-term benefit?
Tips on choices:
• There is no one way to be organized.  Decide what works for you.• When creating your "get organized plan" chose the time of day that you are most energized• Choose to move slowly and be honest with yourself as you decide what stays and what goes (in your space, mind and heart)• Stay connected with breath (at times taking slow breaths with hand over heart)Affirmation:In the moment, I make decisions that realize

energy renewal.

Dedicated to your peace and prosperity,

Karen McMillan, ACC
The Conscious Leadership and Retreat Coach

If you have just joined us and would like to catch up on the beginning and meaning of this challenge....CLICK HERE

Friday, May 14, 2010

Get Organized from the Inside Out: Day 3 Creative Visualization

Intention:  Creative Visualization

Now that you have a clear intention, it's time to see it in it's finished form.
In keeping with goal setting, the laws of attraction and creative visualization, today is about being clear about our understanding of, feelings about and vision for our organized self and life.As Shakti Gawain, author of Creative Visualization, reminds us, "... imagine as clearly and realistically as possible
what you want to happen, as if it has
already happened or is
already happening, thus creating an
inner experience of what it would be like to have your desire come true."

Imagine the process of organizing with the energy and support you need.  See yourself getting organized with joy.  And, imagine the celebration once you have realized your organizing goal.

As you envision this new reality, be with the feelings that it brings.  Notice the differences in your mind, body and spirit as you envision your life when it is organized.  Really get in touch with that feeling, and let it energize and empower you.  Revisit this vision and feeling as you progress with the doing of your organizing.  We can usually think more clearly and do more in less time when we are working with energy versus fatigue.

Thought is a form of energy that guides us, and is followed by focused-action.  It also attracts the energy you are putting out.

Conscious Questions-to-Self
• What does being organized mean for me?• What does my life look like when I am organized?• How will it make me feel when I have accomplished it?
Some tips to connect:
• If you journal, write about your visualization and how it will make you feel when you've accomplished your organizing goal.  When I can't stop to write it down, I use my iPhone recorder to express my thoughts and feelings.• Visit the possibility, not the problem-solving.  when you are clear about your intention, the how will show up.• Remember to breathe Affirmation: this is an example, [fname], write your own and own itI have a
clear vision of the benefits of being organized

Dedicated to your peace and prosperity,

Karen McMillan, ACC

If you have just joined us and would like to catch up on the beginning and meaning of this challenge....CLICK HERE

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Get Organized from the Inside Out Day 2: Clarity

Day 2 Intention:  Clarity

Now that you are connected, it's time to get clear on how you will fill that space, and if you will keep it organized and de-cluttered.  One way to insure that you get and stay organized is to have a clear intention for doing so.
Webster defines "intention" as "a determination to act in a certain way."  All we are adding is the clarity around what that intention will be. 
Our intentions are key to the foundation for our mindset.  Clear intention helps us to focus or refocus our actions as we move toward our organized life.  When our intentions are clear, we can move with confidence, and check in with our intention to see if we are still on track.

Conscious Questions-to-Self
  • Am I clear about my intention to get organized?
  • Does this clarity energize me and move me to action?
Some tips to connect:
  • Write down your intention - revisit and hone until it's strong and clear
  • K.I.S.S.(TM) - keep it short and simple or simple and sacred
  • Add some soft music and sunlight
  • Once clear, write it as an affirmation
  • Stay connected with breath (at times taking slow breaths with hand over heart)
I have a clear and focused intention to be organized in all areas of my life.

Dedicated to your peace and prosperity,

Karen McMillan, ACC
The Conscious Leadership and Retreat Coach  

If you have just joined us and would like to catch up on the beginning and meaning of this challenge....CLICK HERE

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Get Organized from the Inside Out Day 1: Connection

Day 1 Intention:  Connection
Professional organizers suggest that the first step in organizing is to clear the space we plan to organize.  As conscious organizers  it helps to clear the space within and connect with our heart-centered, loving self.  Making a space inside to help us clearly see and feel the possibilities that will show up for us when we have organized our external lives.  This is not about the "how we will realize our goal," but what it will look like when we are there.
One of the ways we crowd our lives, our hearts, mind and space is with the many things we tolerate, i.e., put up with.  Often, what we tolerate drains or distracts us - be they thoughts or the piles in our physical space.  Once we remove these tolerations we make space, feel lighter, and can more easily connect with our values and authentic self.
Conscious Questions-to-Self
  • What am I tolerating?
  • What 1 thing can I do today to begin to address these tolerations?
  • How do I connect with my heart and my authentic self?
Some tips to connect:
  • Slow Down
  • Stay connected with breath (at times taking slow breaths with hand over heart)
  • Be mindful (totally present) with whatever you are doing or thinking
  • Stay connected with your intention
  • Be kind and gentle to Self (this is a journey.  no rush. and no need for perfection)
  • K.I.S.S.(TM) - keep it short and simple or simple and sacred
I have the power to remove all tolerations (people, thoughts, things...)  from my life

Dedicated to your peace and prosperity,
Karen McMillan, ACC
The Conscious Leadership and Retreat Coach  

If you have just joined us and would like to catch up on the beginning and meaning of this challenge....CLICK HERE

Get Organized from the Inside Out 21-Day Challenge

Good Morning all my Super Savvy Woman-Preneurs! I just received something that i felt compelled to share with you all as a token of my appreciation. Thanks for taking time out to read my daily Blog! You are awesome.

I would like to present to you the:  Get Organized  from the Inside Out 21-Day Challenge presented by: Karen McMillan also known as the YinPreneur

This challenge is about creating space, clarity and possibility in your internal and external space.  With the overall intention of peace and prosperity in your life, and work.

  • Clarity and vision

  • Inspired energy

  • Focused action plan

  • Peace of mind

  • Self-empowerment

  • Accomplish more, with ease

  • A higher quality of life

  • Time for self

    As busy as our live can get, sometimes we just need that extra dose of Clarity, Energy and a feeling of accomplishment; what better way to do that than to begin organizing our thought and complete self awareness?
    Join me on this journey: Lets get started with the " Get Organized  from the Inside Out 21-Day Challenge" Please feel free to leave your comments and insight during this challenge....

Monday, May 10, 2010

Social Media Marketing - Top Four Tips to Get Coaching Clients With Social Media Marketing

Are you a coach interested in social media marketing? Have you been using social networking web sites, such as Facebook and Twitter for a while, but you haven't gotten any coaching clients from them? The good news is that you can get coaching clients with social marketing, and it is not hard to do. Read this article for my four tips on getting coaching clients using web sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

Here are the top four tips for promoting your coaching business using social media marketing:

1. Define Your Social Media Marketing Goals.

Too many coaches jump into social marketing without a plan, without setting goals for the results they want to get from those web sites, and without creating systems in their business to support their marketing efforts.

Start by setting goals for your social marketing efforts - one of them should be building your list. Once you know what your goals are, it is going to be easier to see whether your social networking efforts are bringing in results.

2. Create Systems In Your Business To Support Your Social Media Efforts.

Even if you spend all of your time on social networking web sites, you are not going to get results unless you have systems in your business to support your social networking efforts and help you convert people you meet on social networking web sites into coaching clients.

Some of the systems you need include a way to invite people you meet on websites such as Facebook and Twitter to get a free gift from you and get on your list, a way to keep in touch with them and a way to convert them into coaching clients once they are on your list.

3. Network On A Regular Basis.

In order to get regular, consistent results from social media(such as more coaching clients), you must network on a regular basis. Share useful tips and ideas, share your blog posts, answer questions asked by your contacts.

Help others, and you will see that more and more people will be interested in what you have to say, and will join your list as a result.

4. Evaluate Your Social Media Efforts.

You will not know how well social media marketing is working for you unless you track your results. Evaluate your networking results on a regular basis to see what kind of results you are getting.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Coaching for Success: Helping Clients in the Growth Mode

Success Coaching Strategy in the Growth Mode: Coaching for success in this mode means focusing on the outcome, delegating, and stepping into leadership. Project management skills become increasingly important in this mode.

When you’re referring to these modes when coaching for success, it’s important to realize that a business will revisit these phases. Even an established business may require success coaching strategies that are consistent with the start up mode strategies when launching a new product, developing a new niche, or providing a new type of service. It’s important to have correctly identify which stage your clients are in, and help them persevere to the next phase.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Coaching for Success: Helping Clients in the Repetition Mode

Success Coaching Strategy in the Repetition Mode: Coaching for success in this mode means working out the details through repetition and implementing routines. Timeliness, quality and predictability are the results to work out. David Allen’s Book, “Getting Things Done” is a great resource.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Coaching for Success: Helping Clients in the Learning Mode

Success Coaching Strategy for the Learning Mode: Coaching for success in this mode means working on speed and completion rather than perfection. Help your client with networking, getting into a mastermind group. There will be large lists and numerous projects to complete in this mode, as well as lots of trial and error.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Coaching for Success: Helping Clients in the Start Up Mode

Success Coaching Strategy for the Start Up Mode:  Coaching for success in this mode means that your client must take massive action.  They need sacrifice everything else to get through this phase, even sleep!  Coaching for success means that they must focus on one goal and keep things simple, get lost of accountability to stay on tract through the fires they’ll have to put out.  Sometimes to make it though this phase your clients will also need some success coaching to help them grow or learn project management skills.

To Your Success,
Ebony Curry
Savvy Coaches Assistant