Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday Coaches Cafe: Taking a break from "Business As Usual"

My responsibility as a "Coaches Assistant" is to not only  provide coaches with tips on how to properly delegate tasks and create time management systems; but to also promote healthy business habits such as taking time off to rest. Take some time away from "Business As Usual" to clear your mind. (A small break a day keeps exhaustion away)

↑↑↑ Take a hint from this little guy above and just relax. Yes I know you don't want to lose even one minute of your day that could have been used towards building your business.
(N-E-W-S  F-L-A-S-H) Relaxation is just as important to any business as completing daily tasks. As a Coach no matter what your niche coaching area, aims for the same end result; For your client to have a sense of peace in their minds. How can you help them get there if you have an unclear, non relaxed mind yourself? Reality is.....You cant! If even only for an hour out of your day, care enough for yourself to Relax your mind, Body and Spirit!

1.Mind - Declutter your mind from all business related worries! In order to create a relaxed atmosphere you must first Relax your mind. (Read a book, Meditate, listen to Sound Escapes, etc.....)

2. Body - Aside from clearing your mind you must also relieve the body of stress from all the excess weight that has been carried through your mind during the day. Deadlines, Time Restraints, Schedule Corrections, this all can cause pain in your body. When your mind reaches its capacity, the body begins to carry the burden. Relax Your Body (Soak in bath and have a cup of herbal tea or coffee)

3. Your mind is clear, your body is relaxed; Its time to allow your spirit or inner to self indulge in the peacefullness
(Do absolutely nothing but enjoy your quiet time)

To Your Success
Ebony Curry

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